

This is how I g-l-a-m !!!

Every female loves to GLAM!! Well almost!  I only like to about 50/50!

I've gotten 3 boxes from Influenster within the past month and love it! Do you know what Influenster is?  Go check it out and sign up with this referral link!

First we have the Venus razor WITH the Olay Vanilla Cashmere Shave Gel.  I'm a Venus gal to begin with so I loved getting this!!! I also have a standup shower, so working with this shave gel was amazing, soap just slides right off. The print on the handle of the razor was super cute, I don't like plain jane things!!!  The shave gel smelt good, but was a little dry.  Honestly, every shave gel I've used was dry feeling. Maybe it's just me?

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Gillette Venus Instagram

I hate remove nail polish, especially with a cotton ball and the liquid.  I've always been a fan of the nail remover pads so when I got the Cutex Advanced Revival Nail Polish Remover Pads I fell in love. These pads were quick to remove the nail polish and didn't have that strong odor that you'd normally see with nail polish remover.

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Cutex Instagram

Being we are on the subject of nails, don't you hate the imperfections when you do your own nails?  I hate it. Usually I'm quick to get my nails done and always don't "paint between the lines", so I've got these little spots on skin that need to be fixed.  This is where my Q-tip Precision Tips come in, dip those puppies in the nail polish remover and get to fixing.  Super simple and quick, just about as quick as it was to paint my nails!

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Lately with my fitbit I've been going to the gym or walking around outside alot lately so what better way to freshen up with Not Your Mothers dry shampoo.  I'm going to be honest here, I have yet to try it.  When I leave the gym I usually don't have anything to do so no need to freshen up my hair.  I know.... I'm bad. BUT... the good thing is this bad boy will be used soon and I can't wait. This might change my life as we know it. :)

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Not Your Mothers Pinterest

I'm not one to have much a beauty routine, although since I'm getting up there in age I probably need to start. I'm usually a remove make up every night gal and moisturize in the morning.  When I opened my glam box I ripped these right open, even before I could snap a photo, if you can't tell I was excited! Remembering to use my Shea Moisture as given in the instructions was a little hard to do.  I left the facial wash and scrub in the shower and the moisturizer and facial mask on the sink.  The smell of these 3 products were identical, all amazing! And the reason I should start a better beauty routine is that my face felt magnificent afterwards!!!

Shea Moisture Facebook
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Shea Moisture Instagram

How do you glam?  Try these products and let me know what you think!!  I'd love to hear the tips on the dry shampoo!

* I received this products free from Influenster for testing purposes and all opinions are my own.*

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~ Influenster Voxbox Review - Dessange Paris ~

Do you have damaged hair?!
I wouldn't necessarily say I do, but I do use ALOT of heat. Every. Day.

I received another Voxbox from Influenster a few weeks ago and this time it was for some hair care products.

The most amazing thing about getting these products free to test is when you love the product!! I received Dessange Paris, the Oleo Miracle Collection. You can find the products I received at Target.

The product itself caught my eye, the bottles looks so stylish and looks pricey.  Also, it's orange, which is different, but I liked for sure!  First thing I did was the smell test, the most important part, right?!?! The smell was perfect! Not too strong, but perfect!  Then of course I read up on the product itself.  In the box was replenishing shampoo and conditioner and replenishing oil.  These products are infused with natural oils: Argan Oil, Camelia Oil, and Pracaxi Oil.

Next step was actually using the products.  I take pride in my hair so anything new frightens me a bit just because I'm not sure if it'll make my hair oily or worse... flat!  This product didn't do that!!! It was as smooth as a baby butt!  And not flat, but not fluffy either... the same fluffiness as usual.

Another good vibe this product gives off is the smell stays!  All day!  Even after a workout! YES!!!  No sweaty stinky hair!

All in all, I'd give this product a 8 outta 10. 
The only con I have is the price, not too bad by any means, but just more than I'd normally spend.

What's your favorite hair care brand?  Will you give this a try? Oh, and also, go check out Influenster and use this referral link!

Stay tuned, I have another box coming by way!!  What will it be this time!  

P.S. I still hope to be posting more posts in general.  Send good vibes my way that life will slow down just a bit.

* I received this products free from Influenster for testing purposes *

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~ It's NEVER too late. ~

It's nearing the end of January and I'm sure you had your new years "resolutions" figured out back in November, am I correct?
I'm not one to set resolutions at the beginning of the year, why? You can start resolutions or goals at any time. Plus, who wants to be with the rest of the world at the beginning of the year and have a fitness goal and walk into the gym and it be PACKED!?!?!  I'd back out right then and there!  Well, maybe not, but going into a packed gym with everything taken doesn't really help you out now does it?

Anywho, I'm going to hop on the late bandwagon and let you know my continuous goals I've got set for myself. I add on all the time because you're able to do that!

  • Take more time on myself and being happy in the body GOD gave me. I don't think I take enough time for myself, I need to pamper myself (and to be pampered) and take care of my body. This past year threw me a lot of curve balls and was probably the worst year of my life thus far, but I kicked butt and took names. I think at this time in my life I realized who I am, what I'm capable of, and who my true friends really are (even my blogger friends).
  • Fitness.... yes that is everyone's. I'm not big by any means but everyone has their trouble areas. I just want to tone up and get rid of Charlotte. Charlotte is my tummy. I threaten to smoother her in sweat all the time! I'm full on determined mode at this point in my life. Again, going back to making myself happy about who I am.
  • Healthy eating or trying!  Haha!  I did get a juicer for Christmas and so far I love all the recipes I've tried. Stay tuned for those! And if you have any, send them my way.  Check out my Juicing Pinterest board too!
  • Breathe. Pretty simple. I tend to let stress get the best of me. I just need to stop and breathe and realize that things could be worse. 
  • Finish a marathon!  I've said numerous times you'd never catch me doing one, but I did sign up for one in April 2015. I seem to get ahead of myself though, I'll probably be pulling down to the half marathon. I'm just not ready and I wanna do my best! Not to mention, running helps the buttock look good (back up there to the fitness goal).
  • Holding a grudge. Simply put, life is too short, don't hold a grudge. 
  • Blogging more. Let's face it, I'm never going to be an every day blogger as much as I'd like to.  I'll never make money off of it. I blog to share and hope people gain from what I do share.  I do bow down to those bloggers that can blog every day, I'm jealous!  So, when I say blog more I'd like to at least post 1 a week, make it a habit. 
This list could go on and on, but this is a start, maybe I'll add later!
Are you the type to start new years goals or just make up goals as you go?!

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